Monday, April 2, 2012

Easter Baskets

Amazing news!! On Saturday, the boys went to visit their mom and took a special parcel with them. My mom, affectionately known as Bebe, had crocheted their mom a prayer shawl and written a very kind, loving, and intentional letter to accompany it. When the boys returned, they brought with them this note from their mom:

Dear Ms. ________,
Thank you and your family dearly for everything. I put the blanket on K-man's new bed he have. He like it. Do your mom want to make some $$ for a blanket? My favorite colors are black, light pink or dark pink, and grey. Please and thanks.
Thanks for loving B-boy and K-man,
From, ___________

In case I haven't been clear up to this point, we have never heard a single positive word from this woman. I have been told that she hates my husband and me many times. In the beginning, we spent much of our time defending ourselves against her ridiculous accusations. To read these words almost brought me to tears, especially in light of our most recent prayers for the Holy Sporit to minister to her in her brokenness.

In light of this new-found favor we have with their mother, my husband and I have a ministry idea with which we welcome your help!! We are going to be putting together Easter baskets for both of our boys, their 2 older brothers, and their mom. In these baskets, we plan to place intentional items such as bibles for each of their age levels, The Chronicles of Narnia book series, CD's, etc. we are hopeful and excited about the possibilities!

Here are the 2 ways we would love your help:
1. Do you have any great ideas of items to include? The boys are 10 months, 3, 6, and 9.
2. We would like to highlight verses for the boys' mom. Would you please choose a verse or passage (or several) that you would like to highlight? I plan to purchase her a pink/black/and grey NIV Bible this week and would love to be able to draw her attention to key passages which would encourage and challenge her.

Thank you all so much. Please, please pray over these next 2 crucial weeks! God is at work in mighty ways. Pray that we would stay alert and be faithful with the time given us.


  1. I will be praying - I would hi-light Jeremiah 29:11.

  2. We have a relationship much like you have described. "Mom" goes from threatening to kill us, to calling us her close friends and back to accusing us of all kinds of things. Her mental state dictates most of this, but we continue to pray for more of those moments to truly try to reach her. This has been going on for 3 years. I think what you are doing is great and appropriate. By underlining or bookmarking pages it will give her a reference point and somewhere where to go to. The bible can be intimidating for someone who has never opened one before. I bought several Jesus Calling books to give to people who are seeking or are new believers. It is simple and easy to read! The Jesus Lives Book even has sections for various struggles. I have often found them for $3 at Mardel. Praying for this relationship!

  3. Read this post with some good ideas for Easter basket stuff.
