Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Happy Birthday, Zizi!

We're having such a fun time thinking of Zizi today and how much more grown-up she must be since she was with us 3 months ago. I'm sure she's walking by now. She was awfully close in March already! I am sure she is as spirited as ever, talking and laughing up a storm. I hope she is being celebrated and loved on all day today.

We were so fortunate to get a fun update last week. The DFACS supervisor for Emmy's case is the same lady who supervised Zizi's case, so I took the opportunity to ask if she had heard any news from Zizi in Chicago. She was thrilled to report that Zizi seems to be doing very well with her dad. She had just closed out her Georgia paperwork, so no more updates from here on. Now she will be overseen by the state of Illinois, but what a good note to end on!

Zizi, we love you girlfriend, and are celebrating YOU today! Maybe I'll find a way to sneak some green peas into our dinner tonight in honor of you, or maybe we'll all wear shower caps at dinner :) Maybe I'll start teaching Emmy to Patty Cake, or maybe I'll sing another rousing version of "I like to eat, eat, eat eeples and beneenees!!" I'll certainly give your buddy, Peanut a big hug for you.

We are so thankful that you were born!

"The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine upon you
and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you
and give you peace."
Numbers 6:24-26


  1. So sweet. I wish she could see this some day. I think this is a wonderful example of how we never know who is praying for us!

  2. How sweet! Wonderful that you were able to get an update on her :)

  3. It is so fun to watch God's Hand at work in all areas of our lives. Glad to know Peanut has a great new home -- maybe you can visit? the dog a possiblity?

