Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Whew! It took me all day, but I finally finished my huge packet. I gave them a hard time in my last post, but I must say it was a very thorough questionaire with some interesting questions. They asked about all of the "losses" I've experienced in my life including death, the loss of friends, the loss of self-confidence, the loss of a big dream, etc. They also asked about thoughts on discipline & opinions on the matter, how my parents impacted who I am today, what our relationship is like today, what family traditions we have upheld from my birth family, what makes me angry, what school was like for me, how my husband and I make decisions, how we divide chores, how we manage our money, what teams I've been on and what role I played...even what parks are near our house and what they have to offer. It was such an exhaustive questionaire, I can't even cover the tip of the iceberg in this post. I am so thankful to have had today to work on this. I'm not sure when I would have completed it otherwise.

The good news is that a lot of the questionaire is demographic information that will be the same for my husband and I, so some of that is past us, but my husband still has to complete the rest of the questionaire in regards to his upbringing, etc. We'll see how it all goes!

Now, I can't leave without sharing my second favorite question of the day. I'm including the question before it as well, because the only way it makes any sense to me at all is to combine the 2. However, you need to know that there was a LARGE gap between the 2 questions when I came to it...so glad I'm finished with this thing...

Give examples of how you have PREVENTED discipline problems
___Removed child from temptation
___Did not take hungry child with no nap to store
___Distracted child to avoid problem
___Did not set child up to fail
___Provide 2 good choices

You tell: _______________________________________________________________

...you tell? tell what?

1 comment:

  1. Umm...how did I just find out that you had started a blog???? You tell....
