Monday, January 16, 2012

Interesting Question...

Twice today, K-man has been going through his usual long list of questions that he likes to ask. Today, it went something like this...

"What is Mr. C?"
We answered, "Mr. C is my brother."
"What is Poppy?"
"Poppy is my dad."
...and on and on we went until it came out...twice...

"...and what am I?"

At this point, we've heard this twice today. Both times, we've asked, "Well what do you think?" and we've tried to laugh and joke about it, not really knowing how to answer his question appropriately. I'll have to leave you hanging tonight, but I thought it was an interesting insight into some big questions with which his heart is wrestling. I'll let you know if it comes up again and how we choose to handle it. Any insight from other foster moms out there? Speaking in terms of "friend" seems inappropriate, but so does speaking in terms of "my child" or "my son"...even temporarily. Thoughts?


  1. And by the way, you continue to be such an encouragement as a bright light in this dark system. It is so easy to become disheartened in the big mess of this system, but you forge ahead and that is just wonderful!

  2. A friend of mine used to call her mother in law her "mother-in-love." You could call him your "son in love." Just an idea. He's not your son and you're not his mother but because of love, he has taken on the roll of your son and you his mother. I will continue to pray for both of you.

  3. What you call everyone depends on the ages. Kids call me Ms. Laura or Mommy Laura, occasionally Mom or Mama, just depending on how they feel. I call them my foster kids when it comes up in public, and when its said with love and pride it is a GOOD thing. When they are at home, I don't differentiate at all between them and my biological son. As a matter of fact, the 14 we have now didn't know for 2 full days that one of the 5 boys was actually mine! That made me feel good :) As far as what we call in-laws - I say that my son calls them Ma and Pa, and their names are X and Y. Then we continue to refer to them the way we always do so they do, too.

  4. Ask him what you are to him. Bless his heart, such a need for identity. We are praying for him [and B Boy], and you guys!
